Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Game Focused School to Open in New York - Fall of 09

If you are a creative teacher, this would be a dream. I look forward to getting the year-end statistics, in terms of attendance, drop out rates, test scores, etc. I'm betting they will look good.

Any plans to open a school out west?

New York to open game-focused school this fall

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Is conceptual thinking catching on?

Dano responded to one of my posts back in November of 08. (umm... Sorry I never responded, but this was before I understood how Blogger's alert program for comments worked. I missed it altogether).  In any event, Dano's comment gives hope to conceptual thinkers.

Dano:  Nice post. The term "conceptual thinker" was a term I was exposed to when my manager told me he wanted me to lead a particularly challenging project because I was one of the only people in the office who could think conceptually. I wasn't sure how to take it at the time but I am quite happy with it now. Thanks for writing about it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Games May be the Key for Teachers

"What if every type of learner, every student would find a niche or a unique way to demonstrate their understanding of the material? Since this was a world history class, they would have to learn history, geography and some 40 chapters of a textbook. Could this be accomplished by playing a game?"

You can read the story of Global Challenge here.

Thanks to Brent Pottenger and Brian Geremia at Academic Impact for their encouragement and support of this article, Mike Powers for his on-going “technical support” - and Britt Easterling and Katie Murphy for their feedback and enthusiasm.  Special thanks are also in order for family and friends.

I also appreciate the help with editing and guidance provided by Colleen Belcher and Ben Ilfield at Sacramento Press