Saturday, June 01, 2024

I started my conversation with GPT 4o with the most complex question I could think of. Here’s what happened.

The question, by the way, was derived from some graduate thesis research many years ago and was something I incorporated into a recent story called “When Everything Became Possible: The Story of Three Characters, Set Free to Help us Understand our Future with AI.” I was hoping it might be a good “thought partner” and help me piece together a 2.0 version of the story.

Could AI demonstrate all the ways that it is not being used? Could it find solutions for some of the biggest problems in the world, like what is happening in Ukraine or Israel, for example? Would it understand what I meant when I said that music might help us to communicate things in the world where language fails?

Before I decided to make the video public, I shared this with a colleague in education. Her response made me realize there is some deeper potential in generative AI than most people realize. In fact, I’m going to include her whole response because when you’re out here experimenting, it’s great to get this kind of validation and I am truly thankful for this.

Note: she agreed to let me share this anonymously.

G’morning Lee ☀️ Thank you so much for sharing your rough cut! 🤓
It is absolutely stunning and you are just amazing 🤩 I am in awe of your intellect and ability to create the conversation I witnessed (as odd as it is to say “conversation”).
I was unaware that we were at this level of AI, and the example of its application to “discuss” world issues is nuts. I fully understand the vital importance of prompt engineering. You are a master.
The other lightbulb moment for me was regarding the expansion of knowledge you offered to be considered went beyond humanity to nature. I just believe so strongly that the inclusion of knowledge beyond our 5 senses is critical to world peace. Opening to the natural world brings us to the root and the once strong connection to the beginning of human-hood and connection to each other and that which connects us all. It is who we really are-spiritual beings living a human existence for a short while. Nature is the path to the spiritual. This is what indigenous cultures exemplified, and that which our greed and ego bastardized.
You were also right on in terms of trauma responses. That is the work of Dr. Gabor Mate (Where Olive Trees Weep) and included discussions amongst his other work. The understanding that we are all acting out our trauma and what we can do. SO much rests on our ability to examine ourselves; our thoughts, biases, justifications, and behaviors.
To include all of these aspects into this AI tool and knowing this is just the start -wow!
Here’s what I’ll offer for consideration: I found that I was initially so wowed by what the AI was offering and its ability that when I actually really cued in and listened for solutions offered, there wasn’t much more there than what you had originally prompted. It summarized and/or restated differently without saying much more. I’m sure that will improve over time but it was my one-time observation.
Thanks again for sharing. You really are a brilliant person. 🤩

I say thanks, and there’s a reason the AI acted this way. The reason it did this is that it had been instructed to perform this in the very first sentence, i.e. “can you put this together into a coherent narrative?”

But, she is right in that I was never refuted. The premise was accepted easily. No push back. had the prompt been, “discuss this issue with me as though you are professor or professional journalist or television news host” that would have been a lot different.

Another friend said this:

I watched the whole thing. The music is cool. While I understand your friend’s observation that ChatGPT isn’t necessarily adding new insights, it’s still impressive that it can handle this level of complexity (and with a voice interface, no less). I also like the fact you can interrupt/redirect it midstream to augment your prompt.

The real test, and perhaps my next video segment, will be to see what it does when asked to provide counter arguments or to go into more of a dialogue or discussion mode. Will we have to wait for AGI for that? I’ll find out soon.

If you are curious to know how this will become part of my Summer workshop, you can visit the slideshow here. 

If you are interested in setting up a similar workshop, please sign up on my Calendly page

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.


Take a look at my FlowGPT page and you'll understand what I mean. Things are very different than just a year ago at this time.  Not many people then were talking about ChatGPT, LLMs or generative AI. If you mentioned that you were a "prompt engineer," you would have received strange looks. But, it's all here now...and it's not going back in the bottle. 

Most of what you see here, my FlowGPT page and elsewhere has been free to use for a long time. 

Deep creativity takes work, a certain degree of anguish and a life time of trial and error. 

Please consider a donation of any amount to support, my GPT prompts, YouTube channel, creative French Horn mashupsGliderCell, HikeStorming, Global Challenge, 2.0 and Right Brain World 

Donate here

Monday, November 20, 2023

Sign Up for the AI Imagination Lab

Explore various courses offered by the AI Imagination Lab, ranging from introductory sessions to deeper dives and hands-on workshops into generative AI. Tailor your learning experience to your style and interests, collaborating with AI for creative breakthroughs.


  • Introduction to Generative AI: Live 50-minute session exploring AI's creativity, problem-solving, and productivity basics. Cost: $90. Prepay
  • A Deeper Dive Into AI: Two 50-minute sessions delving deeper into generative AI, focusing on prompt crafting and personalized use cases. Cost: $165. Prepay
  • The 4 Hour Hands-On Workshop: A full AI workshop for hands-on experience in crafting prompts and learning new tools. Prepay

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

I don’t like to sell. But, I need to sell things.

I was a teacher and transitioned to project work and consulting. This created a problem that I was not fully prepared for. Sales! I mean, students show up in your class no matter what. Right? But clients? Yeah, that’s a tougher sale. So, I started fiddling around with AI and figured out a way for GPT to take over that function. One problem (at least with ChatGPT) was that it would not insert links in the output or conversation. There was no way to transition someone out of the conversation to my Calendly or Stripe apps so they could sign up for my classes or pay for these services. But, this morning… problem solved. Using the Poe AI platform and Claude, it worked like a breeze. Take a look for yourself

You can see the intake bot in action near the top of this page.

Now watch as I transition here into sales (haha) — if you’d like some training on this or, perhaps, someone to build you a GPT like the one I created (for thousands less than what you’d normally pay), Sign up for some time here or contact me directly at

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Basic Job Matching Prompt Anyone Can Use on ChatGPT

This was the first draft of a ChatGPT prompt, produced for a potential client - to show the ease of creating a job matching table. The prompt's purpose is to match job candidates with suitable positions based on customized criteria. It yields a percentage match in various categories. 

This innovative tool allows employers to compare candidates effectively and enables job seekers to assess their compatibility before applying. 

You can find more examples of prompt writing ideas on this page.

Reach out if you need assistance. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Unleash the Power of AI in Your Professional Practice with Surrogate Prompts

It seems we are now in a time predicted by Daniel Pink in his 2005 book A Whole New mind - when we would need creative people more than ever to create meaningful applications for various technologies. Every day, in fact, we see the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it subtly reshapes various aspects of our lives and it's now up to creative professionals to find imaginative, helpful and meaningful purpose for this incredible technology. 

We can now offer enhanced services, create efficiency, and amplify our impact with AI.

Today, we invite you, the practitioners, to explore how AI surrogate prompts could revolutionize your practice.

The AI Revolution in Professional Services

GliderCell opens up a world of possibilities by offering AI surrogate prompts designed specifically for professionals. We envision offering our services to a wide range of occupations including writers, teachers, professors, attorneys, consultants, coaches, private fitness instructors, and business professionals among others. These prompts could facilitate a more engaging and effective client interaction as well as enable real-time feedback, aiding clients in making decisions and enhancing their confidence.

In the world of therapy, these prompts can echo the therapist's identity, providing a consistent line of support to clients. In other professions they can answer routine questions, saving precious time. In fitness coaching, they can assist in customizing workout routines tailored to individual client needs. In business consultancy, they can guide clients through complex decision-making processes, bolstering their confidence and decisiveness.

Beyond Assistance: Growth and Innovation with AI

But the potential of surrogate prompts extends beyond just assistance. They offer a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. We offer workshops and classes to empower you with the skills to engineer your own prompts and explore various use cases. These workshops are crafted to foster curiosity, creativity, and the ability to ask the right questions - key skills for prompt engineering.

Our workshops also provide guidance on emotional and psychological training and help individuals navigate the evolving landscape of AI. We champion interdisciplinary learning and encourage professionals from various fields to explore prompt engineering. In doing so, we aim to empower you to offer enhanced services, unlock new revenue streams and leverage the transformative potential of AI.

Join Us: Shape the Future of Your Practice

The potential of surrogate prompts is boundless, limited only by our imagination. By integrating AI with the content and methods of various professions, we can redefine professional practice and client interaction. More than a tool, AI is becoming a strategic partner, creating efficiencies, adding value, and offering a competitive edge.

To explore our products, services, and pricing related to surrogate prompts, visit us at:

Unleash the transformative power of AI in your practice. Join us today and shape the future of your profession.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Multiply Your Impact. Duplicate your Services and Expand Your Reach with an AI-Driven Surrogate.

What we offer

Our service provides the use of AI surrogate prompts for professionals such as attorneys, accountants, consultants, coaches, private fitness coaches, business people and more. 

How surrogate prompts can help in therapy and other helping professions

The surrogate prompts replicate the therapist's identity, providing continuous support to clients. They allow for the exploration of different modalities and provide real-time feedback to clients, helping them make decisions and feel more confident. Professionals can use the prompts to enhance their practice and offer additional services to clients. Workshops and classes are also available to teach prompt engineering, AI usage, and various use cases. By integrating AI and tapping techniques, we can bring about mindset shifts and support personal and professional development. Prompt engineering can also be used to create educational games, prompts for personal growth, and creative problem-solving. 

How to get it

Contact us today to learn more about our workshops and classes. We emphasize curiosity, creativity, and the ability to ask the right questions as important skills for prompt engineering. Our workshops provide guidance, emotional and psychological training, and help people navigate the changing landscape of AI. We promote interdisciplinary learning and encourage individuals with different interests to explore prompt engineering. By using surrogate prompts, professionals can offer enhanced services and increase their income. Join us today and discover the transformative potential of prompt engineering and AI.

Other Use Cases 

A therapist who uses surrogate prompts in their practice could inspire clients to be more engaged or connected to the therapy process. The real-time feedback provided by the prompts could help clients feel heard and understood, leading to better outcomes.

An accountant who uses surrogate prompts to answer common client questions might find that they are better able to save time and increase their revenue by offering additional services to clients. The prompts or "bots" might allow the accountant to provide more personalized support to clients, leading to higher client satisfaction and retention.

A private fitness coach who uses surrogate prompts to provide personalized workout routines might find their clients to be more motivated and consistent with their workouts. The prompts could help the coach tailor their approach to each client's unique needs and preferences, leading to better results and more referrals.

A business consultant who uses surrogate prompts to guide their clients through complex decision-making processes might find their clients to be more confident and decisive. The prompts could help the consultant provide real-time feedback and support, leading to better outcomes for their clients.

What about attorneys?

An attorney could use a surrogate prompt with ChatGPT or other LLM (Language Model) in a number of ways. 

Here are a few examples: 

Legal Research: An attorney could use a surrogate prompt to conduct legal research. By providing the model with a prompt related to a legal issue, the model could generate relevant case law, statutes, and other legal sources that the attorney could then review. 

Contract Review: An attorney could use a surrogate prompt to review contracts. By providing the model with a prompt related to a specific provision or clause in a contract, the model could generate suggestions for edits or revisions to that provision or clause. 

Drafting Legal Documents: An attorney could use a surrogate prompt to help draft legal documents. By providing the model with a prompt related to the type of document the attorney wants to draft (e.g., a will, a lease agreement, a complaint), the model could generate a rough draft that the attorney could then edit and refine. 

Predicting Case Outcomes: An attorney could use a surrogate prompt to predict the outcome of a legal case. By providing the model with a prompt related to the facts of the case and the legal issues at stake, the model could generate a prediction of the likely outcome based on past cases with similar fact patterns. 

Legal Chatbot: An attorney could use a surrogate prompt to build a legal chatbot. By providing the model with a set of prompts related to common legal questions or issues, the model could generate responses that the chatbot could then provide to clients or other users seeking legal advice.

Overall, the potential of surrogate prompts is only limited by our imagination. By integrating AI with the content and methods of various professions, professionals can effectively create "duplicates" of themselves and offer continuous support to clients, even when they are not physically present. More information on products, services and prices related to surrogate prompts, please see:

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thriving on the Edge of Chaos

ChatGPT did a nice job of summarizing my 108 page graduate thesis paper. You can read more about this 7 year qualitative study here


Lee L. Chazen's thesis titled "Thriving on the Edge of Chaos: An Argument for a Complex Adaptive Theory of Education" presents a case for the adoption of a complex adaptive system approach in the field of education, challenging the conventional scientific-deterministic model. His study found profound changes in student participation and higher order behavior when implementing a more fluid, laterally powered system, where the teacher acted more as a facilitator. These changes, he argues, lead to enhanced creative and critical thinking in students. The research underpins the argument with insights from emergence, chaos theory, complexity, and consilience.


  • 📚 Chazen argues against the traditional scientific-deterministic model of education which, according to him, stifles curiosity, creativity, and potential for growth in both teachers and students. Instead, he proposes a complex adaptive theory of education.
  • 📈 This work is a qualitative study that includes data from classroom observations, teacher and student notes, administrative evaluations, and various literature sources, over a seven-year period.
  • 🔄 When Chazen changed his classroom structure from a hierarchical model to a complex adaptive system, he noted profound changes such as increased participation and complex higher order behavior among students.
  • 🎓 The role of the teacher in this model shifts from an authoritative figure to a facilitator, acting as a feedback loop, creating a more inclusive, interactive learning environment.
  • 🧩 Instead of using lectures to deliver course content, an open-ended game format was used to encourage engagement and thought-processing.
  • ⚙️ The research draws support from areas like emergence, chaos theory, complexity, and consilience, and finds many similarities between scientific phenomena and social behavior observed in the classroom.
  • 🧪 Chazen suggests the idea that the second law of thermodynamics (everything is prone to entropy) can be overturned and that order can arise from chaos, an interesting point for further research.

    See the new Global Challenge website for information about the game and how you can run this in your classroom. 

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

ChatGPT and the Future of Education: Educational Game Developer Shows Teachers How They Can Navigate The AI Tsunami


How One 800-Word Mega-Prompt Could Replace Textbooks and Transform The Way Students Learn

San Francisco, CA - May 3rd, 2023 - As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the potential for systems like ChatGPT to revolutionize education has become increasingly apparent. In a recent episode of the ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Podcast, educational game developer and prompt engineer Lee Chazen discussed the transformative potential of prompt engineering and AI generative language programs like ChatGPT.

Chazen's graduate research twenty years ago argued for a self-organized learning environment where students could create their own questions and answers, even building a game that would play out over the course of the year, covering all the material needed for the class. With ChatGPT, this vision can become a reality. Chazen revealed that only five to six well-crafted prompts can generate a year's worth of content and curriculum for a class, potentially replacing textbooks. He showcased an 800-word prompt that generates 400 multiple-choice and short-answer questions and answers, effectively dividing the recorded span of history into 20 sections of time, seven areas of knowledge, and six levels of learning. Additionally, teachers can insert various educational theories, e.g. Bloom’s Taxonomy or Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences such that one can cater to different learning styles.

Chazen leverages AI models like GPT-4 to generate engaging content for websites and social media, providing valuable insights for businesses, educators, and content creators. He believes that ChatGPT and other language models are mirrors of humanity, only as good or bad as the prompts we construct.

As a former teacher and content strategist, Chazen has extensive experience in using AI to enhance the learning experience. He is available for interviews and workshops on a range of topics, including the role of right-brained conceptual thinkers in the AI world, the importance of hypergeneralists, and the potential of ChatGPT as a moderator and coach.

To learn more about Lee Chazen's projects and innovations, visit Global Challenge 2.0 / Metamorphosis, the Right Brain World Blog, or GliderCell. For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Lee at or book an appointment here.

The ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering Podcast with Greg Schwartz is set to release the exclusive episode featuring Lee Chazen on Wednesday, May 3rd, providing state-of-the-art information on prompt engineering, ChatGPT, and other AI systems. Chazen reminds listeners that ChatGPT is a reflection of the digital information we have produced, and its potential is only limited by the quality of the prompts we construct.

Friday, April 28, 2023

ChatGPT turns a history book into a game with 400 questions! Techniques:...

San Francisco, CA - April 26, 2023 - The ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Podcast with Greg Schwartz, featuring state of the art information on prompt engineering, ChatGPT and other AI systems such as Bard, Midjourney and DALLE, is set to release an exclusive episode featuring former teacher and content strategist Lee Chazen on Wednesday, May 3rd.  In this vibrant conversation, Chazen shares his expertise on prompt engineering and the potential to revolutionize education, content creation, and various industries through AI generative language programs like ChatGPT. 

During the interview, Chazen showcases the astonishing potential of AI by revealing how only 5 to 6 well-crafted prompts can create a year's worth of content and curriculum for a class - possibly replacing textbooks. Chazen shares how one particular 800-word prompt generates 400 multiple choice and short answer question and answers that will effectively divide the recorded span of history into 7 areas of knowledge and 6 levels of learning – a prompt that can be used in the educational game Global Challenge 2.0 | Metamorphosis (GC2.0-M). He also shares other ideas for harnessing the power of AI in, for example, scheduling one’s day, coaching or in streamlining business content. 

Listeners will also learn how Chazen leverages AI models like GPT-4 to generate engaging content for websites and social media, providing valuable insights for businesses, educators, and content creators alike.

Lee Chazen is available for interviews and workshops  on a range of topics, including the role of the right-brained conceptual thinker in today's AI world; what it means to be a hypergeneralist; and the role of ChatGPT as a moderator and coach, especially for those with ADHD. Chazen, a French Horn player, trail runner, disc golfer, writer, content strategist, and educational game developer, shows how diverse interests and experiences can lead to better content and more imaginative solutions.

To discover more about Lee Chazen's projects and innovations, explore the following links:

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a pioneer hypergeneralist in the fields of education and “concept engineering.” Tune in to the ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering Podcast on May 3rd for an episode filled with fresh insights, innovative ideas, and a glimpse into the future of education and content creation.

To schedule an interview or learn more about Lee's work, please contact him at or book an appointment here

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Beyond the Textbook: ChatGPT is About to Usher in a New Era of Social Studies Instruction


San Francisco, CA - April 27, 2023 - The ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Podcast with Greg Schwartz, featuring state of the art information on prompt engineering, ChatGPT and other AI systems such as Bard, Midjourney and DALLE, is set to release an exclusive episode featuring former teacher and content strategist Lee Chazen on Wednesday, May 3rd.  In this vibrant conversation, Chazen shares his expertise on prompt engineering and the potential to revolutionize education, content creation, and various industries through AI generative language programs like ChatGPT. 

During the interview, Chazen showcases the astonishing potential of AI by revealing how only 5 to 6 well-crafted prompts can create a year's worth of content and curriculum for a class - possibly replacing textbooks. Chazen shares how one particular 800-word prompt generates 400 multiple choice and short answer question and answers that will effectively divide the recorded span of history into 7 areas of knowledge and 6 levels of learning – a prompt that can be used in the educational game Global Challenge 2.0 | Metamorphosis (GC2.0-M). He also shares other ideas for harnessing the power of AI in, for example, scheduling one’s day, coaching or in streamlining business content. 

Listeners will also learn how Chazen leverages AI models like GPT-4 to generate engaging content for websites and social media, providing valuable insights for businesses, educators, and content creators alike.

Lee Chazen is available for interviews and workshops  on a range of topics, including the role of the right-brained conceptual thinker in today's AI world; what it means to be a hypergeneralist; and the role of ChatGPT as a moderator and coach, especially for those with ADHD. Chazen, a French Horn player, trail runner, disc golfer, writer, content strategist, and educational game developer, shows how diverse interests and experiences can lead to better content and more imaginative solutions.

To discover more about Lee Chazen's projects and innovations, explore the following links:

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a pioneer hypergeneralist in the fields of education and “concept engineering.” Tune in to the ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering Podcast on May 3rd for an episode filled with fresh insights, innovative ideas, and a glimpse into the future of education and content creation.

To schedule an interview or learn more about Lee's work, please contact him at or book an appointment here

Thursday, March 30, 2023

I used an AI platform called to build my new Global Challenge 2.0 landing page


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Unleash the power of ideas: refine, optimize, and conquer!


Embed Website

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Moving Forward as a Prompt Engineer and Multidisciplinary Super Creator

Optimize Your Content

Do you want a super fast and affordable way to get your business, service or idea noticed by search engines?

Discover limitless possibilities for your business with AI-powered consulting and prompt engineering

I am a multidisciplinary super creator, concept architect and prompt engineer. I offer a unique service, requiring skills and experience across many different fields. On this page, I will explain what this is and why you need this now, more than ever.

While others are learning the technology and how to apply it, I’m already there and can get you back to the top. The window is closing fast on this. Soon marketing companies and entrepreneurs will discover the many uses for GPT. Some won’t, and they’ll be left behind.

I will either teach you how to do this for yourself or do the service for you. See pricing below for details.

As a prompt engineer, I can help optimize your website content by creating and refining text prompts for AI systems to get the best results. I work within the maximum limits of AI tools and develop strategies to get unique results. This helps YOU to communicate your idea in the most optimal way.

Prompt engineering is the process of creating prompts or questions that encourage creative and strategic thinking. By learning how to perform prompt engineering, you can generate new ideas, refine existing ones, and ultimately, optimize your content for search engines and target audiences.

I can perform this service or  teach you how to create effective prompts that lead to impactful results. In just a few hours, you can master the craft and gain the skills you need to improve your content and digital presence.

With this service, you'll be able to take your ideas to the next level and create a digital presence that accurately represents your brand and resonates with your target audience. And the best part is, you'll have the skills to continue optimizing your content long after our session is over.

My rate for prompt engineering is $65 per hour, making it an affordable and accessible way to improve your content and digital presence. Let me help you unlock your creative potential and achieve success in the online world.

Other Services

  1. Concept design and development
  2. Creative content development
  3. Gamification
  4. Research and insights
  5. Innovation and ideation sessions
  6. Strategic planning and consulting

Thursday, February 02, 2023

In a World with AI and ChatGPT, The Future of Work Demands "Creative Generalists" and "Concept Architects" - Are You Ready?"

As the world becomes increasingly technology-driven, it's more important than ever to have creative and innovative thinkers at the forefront of our organizations and businesses. Daniel Pink predicted this shift in his 2005 book, "A Whole New Mind," when he wrote about the need for "right-brain" oriented individuals who could develop holistic strategies for utilizing technology. Now, more than ever, we need "creative generalists," "concept architects," and individuals who can devise new best practices in an ever-changing digital landscape.

The advent of AI-powered writing tools like ChatGPT has changed the game for content creation and ideation. With the ability to generate a blog post in mere seconds, it begs the question: what is the future of the content strategist and copywriter within an organization?

This is where GliderCell comes in. Our platform provides a solution for businesses and organizations looking to tap into the power of creative generalists and concept architects. GliderCell connects you with a team of experts who can help you develop new and innovative strategies for utilizing technology and AI to achieve your goals. Whether it's finding the best way to use ChatGPT at your school or government office, or developing new best practices for content creation, GliderCell has you covered.

Don't let your organization fall behind in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Sign up for GliderCell today and unlock the power of creative thinking and innovative strategies. Our team is here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out.