Monday, August 15, 2022

Seeking Business Manager / Co-Founder and / or Partners for Opportunity with GliderCell

Business is picking up for GliderCell and that’s why I’m running this ad. It’s simply at the point where I need to start bringing others on board. GliderCell is mostly in the education, edtech and business space.

We mainly offer: 

  • New types of engaging and interactive courses for schools (e.g. game-based)

  • Gamification systems for businesses

  • General content writing for business and education 

  • Content strategy and narrative

  • Strategy and brainstorming sessions (see HikeStorming) 

  • Research 

I am seeking three things currently (see below for details)

One:  a business partner with management and marketing experience. 

Two: a possible partnership with a company or organization. 

Three: people to join the GliderCell organization. 

First, you’re going to need some background. Anyone familiar with the early 1970s computer experiment, “The Game of Life” should know where the name came from. If not, take a look here. and scroll about ½ way down the page. 

The theme of GliderCell is based on the emergent principle described above. GliderCell is about emerging ideas and creative combinations of things. 

Brief History

It started out as a concept for an organization or think tank that would launch new, more creative ideas and systems -- things that the world needs right now. Through creative combinations of things, we would spark productivity and paradigm shifts in all kinds of areas, across many disciplines. 

Here’s a quick example: About four years ago, a Tesla recruiter contacted me about creating a training program for the rollout of the Model 3. I had a clear idea in mind about how I would use principles I learned from “emergence” and “self organization” to create a program that would start from the bottom up, e.g. using service station engineers and mechanics to participate in the process of building the new vehicle since they had more front line experience with the design and effectiveness of the car. But, I needed more of a team and Tesla was not keen on hiring outside consultants. 

As you can see, many of the ideas stemmed from design principles and theories of human behavior I learned while teaching -- where I discovered that a more lateral approach to learning worked better. basically, by giving students the power to create their own learning environments through games, they would be way more productive and engaged!

This turned in a major research project on how “self-organizing systems” work. 

Some of our Products 

  • A content strategy and content management system that improves in each iteration

  • A 20 page document filled with team building, problem solving and critical thinking activities that engage each type of learner and personality type

  • Interactive, engaging, integrated courses for 21st Century learners. 

  • A gamification program to motivate and train employees in a corporate call center


Cool Stuff that no one else is doing (ok maybe some). 

  • Creating courses for schools like “gamification 101,” disc golf math and the laptop and smartphone orchestra. 

  • HikeStorming (the combination of hiking and brainstorming) not only as a way of staying physically fit and generating ideas, but as a way of networking and bringing in new clients

  • A self-perpetuating content system (need a software engineer to help in closing the loop)

  • Applying knowledge of self-organizing principles to create new frameworks for business and education

  • Interviewing people for a podcast while hiking and making that part of our marketing program (note: this is still in the experimental phase).

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