Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Intelligence Augmentation"

After reading the article in The Atlantic on "getting smarter," I’m now interested or curious to know if any readers out there have information on interesting combinations of technology, software, social networking and pharmacology that are used – not necessarily to enhance intelligence – but to combat symptoms of ADHD, depression, OCD, etc. If you have any thoughts or ideas on this topic, please put these in the comment section. If you write a really thought provoking or informative post I can create a separate posting for your response.

Additionally, I’ve now seen two articles (in The Atlantic) on whether Google makes us smarter or dumber, but I’m curious to know if there are any good articles out there on whether Google can also make us more creative. Any thoughts?



Unknown said...

If "making you smarter" can be twisted to "preventing you from becoming dumb," check this out: http://gimundo.com/news/article/turmeric-the-wonder-spice/ Then go Indian for lunch!

Dan Thompson said...

I googled 'creative' and 'google' with various bouleans to get google's own perspective on this... and what a perspective I got! I was linked to one site just brimming with creativity. There was a girl and a horse and let me tell you - this was not your granmam's animal husbandry! I'm not sure google made me smarter but it sure left me less naive. Goethe said he wanted nothing human to be foreign to him. But
even Faust hadn't seen the animal side in the kind of definition we can get today. Less licht! When Austin Powers showed Beyonce the evidence of our great advancement (a monkey on youtube) that was the too tame it turns out... I'm not done researching yet though. Next I'm gonna ask Jeeves!