Friday, September 06, 2019

Need Help with Educational Content?

If you need help with any type of educational content please feel free to contact me at I also do content strategy, podcast editing, podcast content, graphics and social media work. Many of those samples are available at GliderCell. 

Proposal to Design Implementation Guides by lchazen

Monday, August 26, 2019

It's Time For a 21st Century Job Site

True story. I saw a job posting for a product manager at a major job site. The role would be challenging and the pay (something I had not seen before) indicated just how challenging it would be. So, I decided to take a crack at it. As I took a closer look at the position I decided it might just be time to offer a full redesign of what job sites do, i.e. completely disrupt the industry so that we get better matches between what people can actually do and the types of jobs they get. This slideshow is just scratching the surface, as you could easily write a 100 page report on what needs to happen. But I had been thinking about these things for a long time and it was just time to put it out there -- whether I got the position or not. This is the slideshow I submitted with my application. I think we’re in for big changes and I hope some of these things happen soon. For more information, write to

Copy of An Integrated Approach to Job Sites: Seven Ways to Make Job Sites Better by Lee Chazen

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

The Existential Tour of Pleasant Hill, California

I decided it was time to start releasing all new audio content for the GliderCell Podcast. It had been a while and there were all these audio files -- interviews with some really fascinating people -- just sitting there -- never to be heard. If all goes as planned, I'll start releasing a new one each week. But, I can't do this without a word of caution. These are unedited. No intro or outro music, if you will. Time and budget constraints prevented me from being able to get all that done. But, what you'll get here is raw, unfiltered ideas -- real people sharing some really interesting things -- with no commercials! None!

In this episode I ask the question: 

In the Internet of Things, if everything is “talking” to everything else, can humans be left out of the conversation? 

This episode is brought to you by When the Dust Settles: A Collection of Stories From Gary Hart's 1988 Presidential Campaign Kindle Edition, available on Amazon.

It is also made possible by GliderCell, a consultancy specializing in content development and strategy.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lessons from Gary Hart’s 1988 Presidential Campaign — and Why Good People Often Opt Out of Politics:

My response to: Was Gary Hart Set Up? by James Fallows

My older brother (a journalist), sent me this article and then posted it on Facebook. I had worked on Gary Hart’s campaign for President in 1988, so felt I needed to respond in part to defend history’s judgement of him.
It’s really sad what happened here. This scandal absolutely pales in comparison to anything that has happened in American politics since that time (or even before, if we dive into the alleged scandals of JFK, LBJ and others). I got to see Hart up close as a student at Colorado State, where he announced his Presidential campaign in ’84 to a packed lecture hall. I would see him again on his National Field staff for his1988 run. I worked mostly in Iowa for the caucuses there with a staff that was organized by a then relatively unknown Martin O’Malley (who would later run for President in 2016).
Hart was a very decent, respectable, intelligent and thoughtful man and would have made a great President. I should note that Paul Albritton (a friend and strategist for Hart) once told me that Hart had told him (over dinner I think) that he (Hart) did not think he would have been too popular with the public. Hart was known for rolling up his sleeves at campaign stops and using the chalk board to give lectures on civics, government and the role of the citizen in a democracy. Hart believed the public would have grown tired of this, and judging by where we are in our public discourse in this country now — I think he was right.
After barely losing to Mondale in the ‘84 Democratic Primaries and then seeing Mondale get demolished by Reagan in the Presidential Election, Hart was the natural front runner in ’88. I learned, during the course of the ’88 campaign, that there was even a meeting between Hart and Soviet leader Gorbachev sometime after the ’84 Presidential Election - since even Gorbachev likely believed Hart to be the next U.S. President. Possibly resulting from this meeting, Hart authored a policy he called “constructive engagement” — which was included in a 94 page book we gave out to voters that year, called Reform, Hope and the Human Factor: Ideas for National Restructuring.
There was so much excitement about Hart becoming President that it was only natural for an “attack dog” like Atwater to find a way to bring him down. This would lead, of course, to the more desirable candidate for the Republicans, Mike Dukakis (and we all know what happened there).
It just makes me sad that he got caught up in this — and that these tactics are still used today — driving out otherwise good and qualified people!
Thanks to James Fallows of the Atlantic for writing this piece. I think it was important to set the record straight, but also important for us to see the historical roots of how we got to this place in American politics. The question now is whether we’ll learn from our mistakes and make an attempt to strive for something better.
I’ve now written the entire story in a book called:

When The Dust Settles: A Collection of Stories From Gary Hart's 1988 Presidential Campaign

Thursday, January 31, 2019

New Meetup Group in Sacramento For Experiencing and Discussing The Arts

If you are in the Sacramento area and are interested in music, film, theater, dance, poetry, literature,
painting and sculpture - then this is for you.
Brandon Norgaard, Founder of the Sacramento Politics and Philosophy Meetup is starting a group called
Sacramento Dilettantes and you are formally invited. The purpose of the group is to have great
discussions around cultural and artistic events in and around Sacramento.
You are invited! All you have to do is go to the Meetup site and click on join. That’s it.
If you have an idea of your own -- something involving music, art, dance, theater, etc., let us know.
And, if you are personally involved, e.g. musician or artist, tell us about your upcoming event here.
Please forward to a friend.
Note:  Sacramento Dilettantes is affiliated with The Sacramento Politics and Philosophy Meetup,
GliderCell and HikeStorming (unofficially known as the Sacramento Intelligentsia).