Saturday, June 04, 2016

Surfing the Future Part 1

Photo Credit: Expats Portugal Life

By Edward Mulder

We are entering times of unprecedented change. Not since the Renaissance and the Industrial Age have we seen anything comparable. What is coming will surpass even those revolutions. Every facet of civilization will be impacted.

Change will happen faster than our economic, governance, and cultural institutions can keep pace with, resulting in the collapse of the weakest and great distortion for the stronger and more entrenched. It will be technology vs. technology. What does this mean?

According to Wikipedia, technology is “the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or service or in the accomplishment of objectives …” By this definition, technology extends far beyond what we usually associate it with: gadgets, machines, computers, etc. It also includes economic systems (capitalism and socialism), governance systems (representative democracy and the nation state), and so on. From this perspective, one can see that there are great tensions building between technologies not unlike two tectonic plates grinding past one another where one moves slowly, and the other’s motion accelerates.

The slow moving technology plates representing economics, governance, etc become distorted by the fast moving plates racing past them. As some begin to distort and crumble, they send out shock waves. A good economic example is capitalism. Capitalism, though a slow moving plate, has weathered many storms and has served as the engine that has spawned much of the innovation occurring in the plates racing past. Because of this, few could foresee the distortion whereby capitalism would begin to cannibalize itself via accelerating technological evolution. As companies worldwide seek greater efficiency and profits through ever greater automation and cognition, jobs are lost faster than new ones are created and most people can retrain. And there is more.

Human beings can perform two types of labor: physical, and cognitive. When automation began to replace physical labor, people were able to move for the most part to cognitive labor. It was not easy, but it was doable, and it happened over a long period of time. What happens next as machines begin to replace cognitive labor? There is only one place to go: more complex cognitive labor. Not everyone is capable of this at the speed required for them to do so and there is actually a ceiling: the capacity of the human brain. It does not take a stretch of the imagination to see that machine cognition could indeed replace labor as we know it.

Where does modern capitalism go when the consumers it depends on no longer have the income to buy the products it produces? When the attainment of greater efficiency for greater profit leads to reduction in demand for all products?

Capitalism is old technology not adapted to a world of lighting fast innovation and evolution. It is essential to question and rethink our paradigms from the ground up. To think about what kinds of economic technologies are possible and compatible with other fast moving technologies.

First we must realize that all technologies exist in an ecosystem, a context. They arise and evolve based on other types of technologies available at the time. Our present economic and governance technologies were born in an era of slow communications, laborious record keeping, and human computation where automation of physical labor saw the proliferation of hierarchical organizational structures and governance models. Realizing this, it is possible to construct new economic and governance technologies that are based on fast, cheap, global communications, computation, and decentralization. We can begin to use the Internet, mobile computational capacity, artificial intelligence, and decentralization technologies such as P2P and the blockchain to create new technologies.

We can begin to surf the future.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Calling All Creative People to Rise Up

Something is missing from the discussion in the 2016* race for the Presidency. What is it? An untapped wealth of resources -- creative and intelligent people everywhere who are ready to help. 

But, no one is calling on them. 

by Lee Chazen, GliderCell 

you are disillusioned because the reality of what you are seeing each day does not match the great potential for what you envision and you realize that many of the problems we see are the result of outmoded philosophies, systems and structures -
And if you understand that such structures in need of massive reform include education, the banking system, government, insurance, health-care, the political system, etc. 
And if you believe that such systems are systemically flawed in that they are top down in nature, hierarchical, rigid and lack the ability by their very nature to empower and enable people to reach their full potential as human beings -- 
And if you believe that underemployment is just as great a problem in this country and in the world as un-employment - in that there are so many talented, creative and intelligent human beings that are not being enabled to help in solving some of the dramatic problems in the world today… and that such people are not rising up to positions where they can be of service, whether because of economic inequality, lack of support or because they are being drowned out by a sea of louder and wealthier voices --
And if you believe that even our great leaders or political voices or candidates out there, well-intentioned as they may be, are not employing advances in data science, technology, medicine, the human brain and the potential in things like crowdsourcing, collective intelligence and Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) to name but a few -- 
And If you believe that classrooms, textbooks and standardized tests are exclusionary and seemingly built around a model of rewarding the few and that such systems tend NOT to offer recognition for imagination, critical thinking and problem solving abilities and that they tend mostly to cater to a small subset of a wider intelligence spectrum -- 
And if you believe that such constructs tend to favor good or fast test takers and that we are often asked to learn, do business or participate in society in ways that do not necessarily match the types of people or learners that we really are -- and that games and projects in the classroom, while acceptable now, are still not widespread -- 
And if you believe in the power of “multi-potentialsim” (the notion that we can have more than just one pursuit or potential in life) and that many of our innate talents and abilities are being under-utilized on a daily basis -- 
And if you believe that incremental change is not good enough — and that, in order to make real changes, there is not a solution in one candidate or one person, but rather, solutions lie in fixing the very nature of our institutions -- 
And if you are someone with a set of good solutions and are effectively being shut out of producing said solutions because of a lack of support or funding or because you are tied down in a job that takes away your time and energy to get to work on such solutions -- 
And if you find it frustrating that those with money and the ability to make such changes or innovations, do not have or share your abilities, or vision or talent or imagination, and that the two “sides” (you and them) even lack the vocabulary or understanding to communicate on the same level --  
And if you believe that there are those with great math, science, technological, musical, artistic or imaginative skills who are not being “tapped” to be part of the greater good -
And if you believe that such people, if given the chance to start a company, share their ideas, or start a new political party could more effectively fix problems in education, energy, transportation, infrastructure, government, the economy, etc., in a way that doesn’t have to be dogmatic or ideological or filled with hatred and fear  -- 
And if you believe that our leaders and decision makers, in so many different ways are actually no more intelligent or creative than many of us who have not had the same opportunities or who may not have an equal level of drive or ambition or fearlessness -

perhaps it is time, in the middle of our tumultuous political season to either start a massive new political movement  -- or it is time to create our own visionary programs.

Note: Special thanks to Ed Mulder for his help on this.


Thriving On The Edge Of Chaos: An Argument For A Complex Adaptive Theory Of Education
DAOs and the Power of Self-Organization
The Global Challenge Project

An example of non-ideological problem solving

Tags: Education, Edu, EdTech, Tech, DAO, Bitcoin, Thinking, Innovation, Creativity, Collective Intelligence, Self-Organization, Politics, Third Party, Democracy, Independents, Election 2016, economy, income inequality, Media, Standardized Testing, Game-Based Learning, Bitnation, BTC, ETH, Holacracy

*2020 Could be different.

Friday, May 06, 2016

DAOs and the Power of Self-Organization

We’re aware now. The power and the opportunity to be visionary and creative is right before us. We can do our own thinking and have people join us. The most hopeful changes I see have less to do with the tangible technology (great as it is) that is in front of us, and more to do with the underlying structures and philosophies. I can only describe these the same way a mathematician describes a formula as elegant, or the way a musician hears a drum corps, all in a line, bells up, full volume, coming in step towards the screaming crowd. It is triumphant, simple and empowering. I am talking here about bottom-up, emergent behavior. Self-organizing systems. Rather than “executing notes on a page” or top-down spoon feeding of content to students or playing video games that everyone else is playing, we might use video game hours onine to fix real societal problems or, as students, start working on real problems to solve and building businesses or portfolios online. 
Distributed Autonomous Organizations now give us the potential to create self-organizing systems which could provide opportunities to creative people and visionaries to be part of larger, like-minded groups. The words that Robin Williams spoke in the movie Dead Poets Society reappear in my head… “that you are here--that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.”
Note: I excerpted this from a piece which I wrote for the artist Sebastian Schmieg

For more on DAOs, I highly recommend this article

Music Performance as Metaphor for the Online World

Age 7. First French Horn lesson. I knew that letters of the alphabet represented notes, so when Mr. Sadlier asked me what note I wanted to play first, I said “L” since that was the first letter in my name. He politely told me that was not a note, and of course, I asked “why not?” Kids have great imaginations. Later, I would learn that music was a metaphor for the connected world. You make your sound. You know immediately if it’s any good. It either blends or does not. When the band plays, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. Yet, like the Silicon Valley employee who had ideas of his own, I couldn’t help feeling like a technician who was only allowed to execute. No interpretation. So, I conducted my own experiment while playing in a musical. I would intentionally delay hitting certain notes. To my amazement, this created a train wreck as the conductor altered his baton and everyone who was following him changed what they were doing. I stopped and smiled. It was just an experiment.
Note: This was excerpted from a project I worked on for the artist Sebastian Schmieg. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Let’s Get Smaller: Why the U.S. Needs to Think Smaller to Achieve its Objectives

Note: I wrote this over five years ago, but never posted it. I'm not sure why. But after reading it again, I realized it still pertains to the problems of "group think" and institutional behavior in the U.S. 

Straight lines, like the walls that hold up our houses make us feel safe and secure.  Right angles and symmetry are pleasing to the eye as well.  Most prefer a balanced checkbook and an efficient engine that does what it’s supposed to.  But, there’s a time when linearity and large institutions can also bring a nation down.  This thought came to mind recently while, of all things, watching a show on PT boats on the History Channel - that during WWII, when there was a draft and more of the general public served in the armed forces there was a mixture of all types of people – inner city, rural, coastal, Southern, Midwesterners – a giant diverse slice of what makes this country great.  There was also innovation.  By crafting a smaller, wooden, maneuverable ship, we were able to change our tactics, go into more intricate places, and deliver unexpected attacks.  The boat itself attracted a kind of maverick that might have brought a certain spirit to the US military. 

In the age now of specificity, departments and polarization, these types of mixtures might be missing from large institutions like the pentagon.  Has anyone stopped to think that large institutions, though solid and patriotic, might not be attracting a wide enough array of personality types?  What if the problem with, for example, fighting the insurgency in Iraq was really a matter of bringing different, innovative, non-linear and creative types into the Pentagon.  Instead of acting like a behemoth, a slow moving empire that wins by force alone, we could act like the insurgents that we are fighting.  Of course, the policy that created the war might have been crafted differently too, had more people been involved in the decision-making process itself.  Now, we find ourselves searching for creative answers to an old, rigid and unimaginative policy.  This rigidity keeps the "creative class" on the outside, unable or uninvited to lend a hand. 

Note: some portions were edited before posting here. 

Friday, July 24, 2015

When you're in a hole, stop, or keep going? The Problem with Metaphors

When we’re going through a difficult time or need a bit of encouragement, we often turn to quotations from the great ones. Turning to philosophers, Presidents, poets, artists, sports stars and great coaches can help. But, what if we get conflicting advice, or what if we can’t tell exactly what the phrase means? It might sound good at first, but then you realize it needs more of an explanation. 

Here’s a couple of examples:

Churchill once said “when you’re going through hell, keep going.” Obviously, he’s not talking about actual hell (if there is one). He’s talking about a tough time — that much, we can agree on. And as far as “keep going,” I’m pretty sure he means to not stop moving forward on things, to not allow all the bad things to keep happening, but instead to keep working, trying or doing whatever it takes. I think he’s saying to look at “hell” in a linear way, so that if you’re on this continuum, you’re merely passing through an area on that timeline. It will last for a while. But, if you keep moving, you’ll be out of it sooner. Right? Well, maybe not.

He could also be saying to keep “going through it.” He didn’t say where to go exactly…. out of it, through it some more, to a new place, etc. He just said “keep going,” which leaves open a world of possibilities… for example, to possibly suggest that maybe we deserve hell and ought to just move around there for a bit. Enjoy your stay in hell, but don’t sit, keep going through it. What if “hell” stops, when you sit idly? Did Churchill ever think about that? Was he not familiar with meditation or, perhaps, sitting by a stream and staring into the water until one feels relaxed? Immigration laws were probably pretty tight in Britain at the time, so maybe he wasn’t exposed to Eastern philosophies. 

That aside, I think it’s safe to say that he believed you just keep going and you’ll get out of it in time, though it’s uncertain how long that will last, because, again, he’s not clear on the duration. To be more clear, he might have said “when you’re going through hell, keep going for another three days, and it will likely be over, “it” meaning the bad experiences that you are currently involved in. At least, that’s been my experience.” or, “Just give it three solid days of hard work, then, if there are no signs of improvement, resign yourself to the reality that things are not going to get any better, and then just deal with that from there, possibly by binge watching your favorite Netflix show."

Which brings us to the same type of advice, but offered by a humorist, not a politician. Will Rogers once said, "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Well, this is where it gets confusing. Rogers suggests that we stop what we’re doing. Churchill says to keep going and, to me, it all depends on whether our problems are vertical or horizontal. You see, if you take the Rogers point of view, everything goes up and down. If you follow Churchill, you’re more on a horizontal plane, so the answer should probably come from a geometry teacher, or physicist and not a politician or humorist. It all depends on your point of view. For example, If you’re a performer, you’re likely to say “the show must go on,” but if Churchill had said that, people would have thought he was a little light-headed. 

And there are still other questions. What if Churchill didn’t realize that we might be dealing with a “hell hole?”  Would he want us to keep going further into the hole, or possibly start digging laterally, or maybe cut an upward diagonal line until we get out? 

My message to those who use metaphors to make a point,  use one we can work with or one that makes sense visually, not one that makes us wonder whether to move up, down, stop or go. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nerd Out While You Work Out

Nerd out while you work out!
This class will take you on a mental and physical journey that will help you to work through ideas while improving your physical condition. 

We will hike through Presidio Promenade with views of Marin, the Bay, and Crissy field.

Sign up here.