Friday, July 24, 2015

When you're in a hole, stop, or keep going? The Problem with Metaphors

When we’re going through a difficult time or need a bit of encouragement, we often turn to quotations from the great ones. Turning to philosophers, Presidents, poets, artists, sports stars and great coaches can help. But, what if we get conflicting advice, or what if we can’t tell exactly what the phrase means? It might sound good at first, but then you realize it needs more of an explanation. 

Here’s a couple of examples:

Churchill once said “when you’re going through hell, keep going.” Obviously, he’s not talking about actual hell (if there is one). He’s talking about a tough time — that much, we can agree on. And as far as “keep going,” I’m pretty sure he means to not stop moving forward on things, to not allow all the bad things to keep happening, but instead to keep working, trying or doing whatever it takes. I think he’s saying to look at “hell” in a linear way, so that if you’re on this continuum, you’re merely passing through an area on that timeline. It will last for a while. But, if you keep moving, you’ll be out of it sooner. Right? Well, maybe not.

He could also be saying to keep “going through it.” He didn’t say where to go exactly…. out of it, through it some more, to a new place, etc. He just said “keep going,” which leaves open a world of possibilities… for example, to possibly suggest that maybe we deserve hell and ought to just move around there for a bit. Enjoy your stay in hell, but don’t sit, keep going through it. What if “hell” stops, when you sit idly? Did Churchill ever think about that? Was he not familiar with meditation or, perhaps, sitting by a stream and staring into the water until one feels relaxed? Immigration laws were probably pretty tight in Britain at the time, so maybe he wasn’t exposed to Eastern philosophies. 

That aside, I think it’s safe to say that he believed you just keep going and you’ll get out of it in time, though it’s uncertain how long that will last, because, again, he’s not clear on the duration. To be more clear, he might have said “when you’re going through hell, keep going for another three days, and it will likely be over, “it” meaning the bad experiences that you are currently involved in. At least, that’s been my experience.” or, “Just give it three solid days of hard work, then, if there are no signs of improvement, resign yourself to the reality that things are not going to get any better, and then just deal with that from there, possibly by binge watching your favorite Netflix show."

Which brings us to the same type of advice, but offered by a humorist, not a politician. Will Rogers once said, "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Well, this is where it gets confusing. Rogers suggests that we stop what we’re doing. Churchill says to keep going and, to me, it all depends on whether our problems are vertical or horizontal. You see, if you take the Rogers point of view, everything goes up and down. If you follow Churchill, you’re more on a horizontal plane, so the answer should probably come from a geometry teacher, or physicist and not a politician or humorist. It all depends on your point of view. For example, If you’re a performer, you’re likely to say “the show must go on,” but if Churchill had said that, people would have thought he was a little light-headed. 

And there are still other questions. What if Churchill didn’t realize that we might be dealing with a “hell hole?”  Would he want us to keep going further into the hole, or possibly start digging laterally, or maybe cut an upward diagonal line until we get out? 

My message to those who use metaphors to make a point,  use one we can work with or one that makes sense visually, not one that makes us wonder whether to move up, down, stop or go. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nerd Out While You Work Out

Nerd out while you work out!
This class will take you on a mental and physical journey that will help you to work through ideas while improving your physical condition. 

We will hike through Presidio Promenade with views of Marin, the Bay, and Crissy field.

Sign up here.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Applying Chaos Theory to the classroom

The Complex Adaptive Theory of Education
How you can use chaos and complexity theories in the classroom

Lee Chazen, M.A.

  1. Turn the class into an open environment with broad units of study.

  2. Use simple rules, but set high expectations.

  3. Act like a facilitator by encouraging self-organization.

  4.  Encircle the “complex system,” sending down occasional messages and reminders, while keeping broad parameters in place.

  5. Set the tone for creativity, expectations and behavior early on in the semester.

  6. These will serve as the broad parameters to guide creativity and scholarship.

  7. Get students out of rows and into random arrangements where they will encounter divergent ideas and opinions.

  8. Guide students to a middle ground or “edge of chaos,” where they can look for new discoveries and make potential breakthroughs.

  9. Work with colleagues to rid the school of rigid, black and white thinking where ideas of perfection or failure and winners and losers exist. Cross any and all imaginary pre-established lines to work with people from all departments.

  10. Work on building a new ethic of camaraderie, cooperation and collegiality.

  11. Create a “hub” in your class or at your school, that serves as a meeting place where collaboration and brainstorming can take place.

For information on how I can help your school, company or organization please contact me at or You can also read more about my services here.

For the research supporting these ideas, click here.

Note: originally published on June 1, 2005. Revised and edited on April 24, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Complex Adaptive Solution to the Great Political Divide

As I watched Sam Harris' TED talk I was reminded of something I wrote just prior to the Presidential Election of 2004 (below). It makes a point of understanding why some of these traditional, rigid political and religious systems exist to begin with. But, it goes a step further to understanding how we can break out of these patterns. As much as I enjoyed Sam Harris' talk as an important step in the right direction, it also seemed like a judgement of certain political and theocratic institutions and societies without compassion for (not for some of their inhumane acts, which are hard to justify) but for how they got and remain there (out of fear). To fix the problem, we have to understand why it exists. 

From an essay written just prior to the Presidential Election of 2004

Bridging the Gap: A Complex Adaptive Solution to the Great Political Divide

by Lee Chazen

Historians of science often observe that asking the right question is more important than producing the right answer. The right answer to a trivial question is also trivial, but the right question, even when insoluble in exact form, is a guide to major discovery.

_ Edward O. Wilson (1998)

Sometimes throwing a question into the air and hoping for an answer at a later time works. A few years after I graduated from college, I got the chance to manage a state assembly campaign in California. Going a little deeper in thought than what was typically expected of a campaign manager, I began to wonder what the real difference was between Republicans and Democrats. I wasn’t thinking merely of the philosophical differences, or those that could be listed as basic platform talking points. What I had in mind was the underlying psychological or even physiological differences. Why did Republicans and Democrats seem like such entirely different people? What caused these otherwise similar people in size and shape to be so very different from each other? Was there something genetically, or environmentally different in their upbringing that caused such differences? I threw the question out there, thinking that an answer might reveal an idea which would send us on to victory in the election.

Many years passed before my answer came. Just recently, I was walking randomly through a community college library when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a book with a picture of Theodore Roosevelt on the front. It was called The Progressive Mind, 1890-1917 by David Noble and was written in 1980. Opening up to the section on Roosevelt, I began reading about an immensely popular book of the early 1900’s called The Virginian. 

The cowboy mystique in American culture

 The central figure in the story was described as, “the totally free man, free to dominate everyone because he gains his boundless strength from nature and expresses natural law. Responsible only to natural law, he is free to judge whether man made law is to be obeyed or broken. He is aware of the way in which evil men often manipulate the laws of civilization for their own wicked ends.” Already, a theory was beginning to develop in my mind as to why this type of man and philosophy appeals so much, but it became eerily evident that this phenomenon was taking place now, before our eyes.

Continuing on, Noble said, “Faced with the presence of evil men and evil conditions, the Virginian challenged evil directly on the field of battle in the classic confrontation of virtue and vice. Unaided, alone, the man of nature wills his victory over the enemy at a personal Armageddon and kills the symbol of the serpent which has slithered into the American garden.” You see, in the battle of good against evil, one must not question the crusader. Larger forces are at work, and there is no time for complexity. Perhaps, using the character Miss Molly as a metaphor for the American public, Noble wrote, “Miss Molly must accept the holy nature of the crusade, she must accept the fact that the end justifies the means, even though it shatters her sense of propriety and law when the Virginian leaves her side on their wedding day to seek the final solution of a duel to the death outside the courts of law. She must capitulate completely to this man of nature and put complete trust in his ability to distinguish between good natural law and bad social law. As if the answer to my original question was unfolding right before my eyes, I wondered if, in fact, this was the case in current American politics. Could we have come to a place and time again when instead of thinking and joining together in collective action, thinking of a broad range of possible solutions, we would bow our heads, and turn to the “Virginian” for guidance? 

But in 1980, when Noble wrote the piece, he recognized the fairy tale nature of such a figure, saying,  “these are the frightening implications of this fantasy that became so popular for the American middle class public which demanded endless repetitions of this cowboy story by other novelists and by the infant movie industry between 1902 and 1917.” Then, as is the case now, Noble said, “clearly there was tremendous demand for a salvation figure who could cut the Gordian knot of complexity and corruption and restore the community to absolute purity and stability.”

It’s not hard to see why such mythology is popular. The reason we enjoy such a dominant figure who cuts through all the complexities to keep order and save the day, is the same reason teachers often opt for students in rows, working quietly, why employers enjoy seeing employees working alone and productively in cubicles, why police enjoy seeing normal, un-congested traffic patterns, and why we enjoy movies like Spiderman, or Dirty Harry, or the Terminator or Robo-Cop. It is comforting in a chaotic world to see that order and safety win the day. Yet, by adopting easy answers, are we really making the best decisions and adopting useful and productive policies, or are we avoiding human and social progress?

The problem with linear thinking

The problem with the “Virginian” view of the world is that it’s a human invention that disregards certain laws of nature. It’s simple and seems clear, but it ignores certain truths - mainly the working order of all organisms in the known universe (which I will describe later). Look a couple of levels beneath the sound bites and headlines and one can see clear examples of how such a linear, black and white view of the world is prone to the laws of entropy.

To start with, something very bizarre has now happened in American politics. With the black and white, with us or against us view of the world, people have been forced to take sides. Because Democrats and Republicans are sticking resolutely to their talking points, the middle has all but disappeared.

One of the first to break ranks was Treasury Secretary, and former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neil. In Ron Suskind’s book about the Secretary, The Price of Loyalty, he points out that the middle ground began to disappear almost immediately upon entering office. As Dick Cheney said on CBS’ Face the Nation,  "the suggestion that somehow, because this was a close election, we should fundamentally change our beliefs I just think is silly."        

More to the point of this administration’s management style, O’Neil suggested that a diversity of opinions in meetings was not really welcomed. "O'Neil told Rove that if they really wanted to discuss what was right or wrong with the economy - and build a genuine consensus behind some of Bush's proposals - they were going about this all wrong. You should get a group that represents a diversity of opinions, including labor and various schools of economic thinking, and then have a real discussion.” The first economic summit, instead, was a gathering of CEO’s, mostly from the ranks of those who supported the Bush 2000 campaign. 

Politically, it may have been advantageous to have a front man who seemed sure of himself, confident and fixed on an idea. Behind the scenes, as this administration moved forward, however, a different picture began to unravel, one that showed the flaws of such a linear and hierarchal system. O’Neil, offered Americans one of their first glimpses into the management style of this White House. He reported a President who was disengaged, closed-off, not willing to discuss reports and incoming data. O’Neil spoke of a President who disregarded the long reports of hard working cabinet secretaries.

Richard Florida PhD of Carnegie Mellon University, writing in the article Creative World (January/February 2004 Washington Monthly), described the problem differently. He reported the problem as being largely one of tone – that instead of being a climate of openness, one that would promote creativity and progress, it was, as Florida’s friend described, “like trying to research and do business in the 21st century in a culture that wants to live in the 19th century... empires, bibles and all.” 

According to Dr. Florida, as security tightened and immigration was discouraged the “talent-laden, immigrant rich, creative centers [which] propelled economic growth” were beginning to dissolve. The creative types – particularly ones living in “blue” states – began leaving for places more favorable and encouraging to their styles of work. Places such as Sweden, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto and New Zealand became popular destinations. 

Again, I think of the teacher, who rather than encourage creative growth, curiosity and imagination from their students, gives them bookwork, seats them in rows, and places order over academic achievement. Not too far from this depiction, achievement on standardized tests, not problem solving and critical thinking, became the order of the day over these last four years. In terms of a creative economy, though, Richard Florida showed where America is ranked 10th. Never underestimate the power of the President to set a national tone.

More serious than a creative economy, we have a government that remains closed to strategic information vital to national security. Hardly a thing has been said since September 11, 2001 about the Commission on National Security, more commonly referred to as the Hart-Rudman Commission. Established by the Clinton Administration in 1998, this bi-partisan commission was to study terrorism and prepare a report on our state of preparedness. Warning of potential terrorist strikes and advocating major systemic changes, the report was delivered to the desks of every member of Congress. According to the April 2004 edition of Salon Magazine, Gary Hart, himself, met with Condoleeza Rice on September 6, 2001, warning that the Commission’s findings indicated imminent danger. According to Hart, after warning, that  “the terrorists are coming” the information was then sent on to the Vice President’s office. As Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism has pointed out, there was never a meeting of the principals regarding said information. No action. 

As Clarke said “if the administration doesn’t believe its national coordinator for counterterrorism when he says there’s an urgent problem, and if it’s unprepared to act as though there’s an urgent problem, then probably I should get another job.” 

The tone following the 2000 election should have been one of uniting a then, torn and deeply polarized society. It seemed that a humble President, who offered himself as a “uniter” and not a “divider” could have found a comfortable place for himself in the middle, working with both sides to move the country forward in a post-cold-war era, where budget surpluses existed. In the tail end of a technological boom, where great successes took place in innovation, creativity and business, a forward thinking President might have encouraged job retraining and lowered tuition costs or reduced interest rates on student loans to get some of those laid off by “dot coms” to school for retraining. A more imaginative President might have encouraged lagging businesses and industries to modernize and bring some of these energetic and creative types into their businesses as a way to spur growth and competition. Instead, Blue and Red never mixed, as the country became more tribal, separate and stubbornly alone. A more moderate, nuanced, complex president might have seen a way for Red and Blue America to meet to achieve the larger goals of moving our country forward in business, technology, education, transportation, etc. Certainly, we could have been asked to do something more than to just be afraid.

When the 9/11 Commission wrote that "we believe the 9/11 attacks revealed four kinds of failures: in imagination, policy, capabilities, and management," they were attempting to raise the standard by which our country deals with complex issues. The suggestion is that we learn to understand complexity and how to be adaptive to the world around us. The lesson should be that we cannot remain rigid, when the world around us is changing.

Understanding the nature of complexity

Using a more open, complex, and yes “nuanced” way of approaching government, one can look to other areas for answers to the problems vexing government. We should turn our attention to what we know about chaos and complexity theories. 

In a boxed-in linear world, no one thinks to look beyond theories of government to answer questions about government. It is convenient to look to philosophy, history and essays on democracy and capitalism to find answers to current social problems. Yet, there are answers to organizational and systemic problems that exist all around us – if we would only take a closer look. 

One example of how to take advantage of complexity lies in the very structure of an organization. A study by Basadur and Head and published in The Journal of Creative Behavior in 2001, revealed that heterogeneous groups (or different types of thinkers in the same group) produce the most creative results. Specifically, the experiment examined different configurations of groups, dividing MBA students into 49 teams of four members each. In the study, four types of thinking were represented. Some teams had all of one type of thinker. Other teams had four of each, etc. After assessing the groups’ behavior, the study concluded that the group of mixed thinkers may not have enjoyed working together as much, but they did perform better. Maybe friction does make the pearl.

Taking this a step further, imaginary lines have existed over the centuries, making sure to keep scientists, artists, writers, mathematicians, physicists, educators, etc. in separate departments. Like spokes emanating from a hub, they go in their separate directions. As they go further down the spoke, their ideas, rather than coming together, get farther and farther apart. So, what if we were to bring people back to the “hub” at least momentarily in order to solve some serious problems. To do this, we ought to at least have a better understanding of chaos and complexity theories.

In a nutshell, chaos theory tells us that everything in the universe has an emerging nature, from the evolution of organisms, to volcanic eruptions, to weather patterns, to the growth of civilizations. Secondly, the greatest creativity, evolvability and progress appear to take place at the “edge of chaos.” In chaos theory, random forces can converge to form a higher order. Research in the field has gone from the study of planets to the study of the weather to micro-organisms, to the growth of companies to organizational and group behavior. What one learns from a study of complexity is that random forces converge to form a higher order behavior. Keep your eye on the larger picture as we delve into the details.

Steven Johnson, in a book called Emergence: the Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software (2001) wrote about studies of slime mold in the 1960’s by Mitch Resnick. The studies revealed that micro-organisms displayed collective intelligence. Instead of one large organism moving across a floor in search of food, it was revealed that the “slime” was actually hundreds of single celled organisms coming together for a larger purpose. 

In fact, evidence of self-organization is everywhere. Prigogine and Stengers in their much-cited compendium Order out of Chaos (1984) said that the biosphere as a whole and all its components existed in a state far from equilibrium. Based on this, they said life, as part of the natural order, was the “supreme expression” of a self-organizing process. Simplified, this means that the air, land and sea are all part of a complex system that tends towards equilibrium. It does so because it is adaptive. If it doesn’t – if it were rigid – it would cease to exist, and we would cease to exist.

According to Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind, the mathematician John Nash proved on page six of his thesis that every non-cooperative game with any number of players had at least one equilibrium point. The trouble, as I see it, is that if you narrow the spectrum to the middle of one political party, you lose hundreds if not thousands of options. Collective action and intelligence only exist so far as there’s a collective.

With the earth’s population at over six billion and communication existing at all levels unlike any time before, the possibility for thoughtful, productive interaction could inspire great, imaginative progress. One does not need to live in a coastal city to experience contact with other peoples and ideas any longer. The Internet, e-mail, text messaging and other wireless communications have made possible a world of interaction from any place at any time of the day or night.

Perhaps, without any direct awareness of these principals, the previous administration may have known about this. Richard Florida wrote that  "Clinton, especially in the early years of his administration, had the loose, unstructured management style of an academic department or a dot-com, manic work hours, meetings that went on forever, lots of diffuse power centers, young people running around in casual clothing, and a constant re-appraising of plans and strategies." Leaving out the part about the casual clothing, (though it may have contributed to the tone) it is arguable that this type of interaction and activity led to much of the progress in the 1990’s.

The idea is not to necessarily seek out chaos and hope for the best. Rather, organizations ought to look for what Stuart Kauffmann described as the “edge of chaos.” Kauffman, a researcher at the Santa Fe Institute has done extensive research on complexity and self-organization. One of the many experiments he conducted consisted of a Boolean network of light bulbs on a lattice like grid. The bulbs were connected and tested using various mathematically driven combinations. Many of the results have a significant relationship to life in organizations: (a) sparsely connected networks showed internal order; (b) densely connected networks go into chaos; (c) networks with a single connection tend towards a frozen, dull kind of behavior, and finally; (d) a chaotic system is very sensitive to small changes. Going back to what was said during the 9/11 Commission Hearings regarding the need for systemic changes, is it possible that we experienced the kind of “frozen” and “dull” behavior that Kauffman discovered in his experiments? Kauffmann, himself, said that the “edge of chaos” may even provide a deep new understanding of the logic of democracy. This area, he discovered, was best able to coordinate complex activities, best able to evolve. The best compromises appeared at the phase transition between order and chaos.

Prigogine and Stengers, in 1984, concluded that living systems were open systems in constant interaction with their environment. In other words, nothing operated in isolation or without interaction. They discovered that these systems were self-organizing, operating according to their own principles, patterns and structures. According to Irene E. Karpiak, writing in 2000 in the Journal Studies in Continuing Education, the behavior of living systems is determined by responsiveness, creativity and dialogue with its environment. To grow and change, therefore, a living system has to communicate and respond in a continuous feedback loop. “A” gives information to “B.” “B” performs a certain way and “A” takes note of this. After “A” sees the behavior, he gives more acutely tuned information to “B” and so forth. The organism progresses forward, always learning and evolving as it goes. 

Stephen Johnson wrote about ideas dying in “rural isolation” with no activity, and Karpiak wrote that open systems dialogue with the environment, and therefore, grow and change. From micro-organisms, to cities, to the Internet to video games, emergence and complexity lead to higher order thinking, growth and productivity. Conversely, in a rigid hierarchy, one voice or idea, or a memo on someone’s desk alerting them to potential terrorist attacks, can easily go unnoticed. People have talked a great deal in this campaign about the candidates, their personalities and whether or not they traveled heroically down the Mekong Delta in a swift boat, but have we really looked at the design flaws in administration?

The universe is governed by certain rules. Violate these, and one might end up dead. Ask the pilot about the Bernoulli Principle, the engineer about stress, and the NASA astronaut about gravitational pull or centrifugal force.  Scientists, teachers, astronauts, chemists, physicists, engineers have all made great effort over the thousands of years that we’ve been on the planet to learn and understand how nature behaves. Yet, we somehow do not think these same principles are at work in the behavior of living organisms and systems on the planet and in our civilization.

 Visualizing a complex adaptive government

The United States can either continue down the path towards further polarization and isolation, breaking into smaller and smaller units, or we can come together and move as a single organism. Black and white, all or nothing thinking led this administration, as Paul O’Neil pointed out, to discard a peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians in favor of an Iraq agenda. It led, as James Fallows wrote in the October Atlantic Monthly, to Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 56 being dismantled under the Bush administration. The Clinton Administration initiated PDD 56 in order to deal with “complex contingency situations.” It was an interagency network put together in order to respond to a crisis. Fallows suggested that by dissolving this directive our response to September 11 was delayed. 

Black and white thinking led to us not knowing, three years after 9/11, the real reasons behind the September 11 attacks. Most of the American public is still in the dark when it comes to understanding who the “terrorists” are and to what philosophy they subscribe. “Hating our freedoms,” does not seem to be a reasonable explanation. Moreover, in terms of our response, “step in line and subordinate yourself to the doctrine of pre-emption,” may not be the best way to build alliances. Yet, the “with us or against us,” framework of our foreign policy was probably not liked or understood by a world that, perhaps, doesn’t fantasize about mythical cowboy figures.

Perhaps, this is why on p. 377 of the 9/11 Commission Report, they recommend that “the United States should rebuild the scholarship, exchange, and library programs that reach out to young people and offer them knowledge and hope. Where such assistance is provided, it should be identified as coming from the citizens of the United States.”

The lesson from the commission is listen, learn, predict and adapt. Apply this for a moment to the attack at Columbine high school. Though, it was important to tightly regulate weapons and potentially dangerous students walking into a high school, it’s also important to listen to the “rumblings” and rumors at a school. Anger and frustration, allowed to escalate, without intervention or a means to ventilate is what took place at Columbine High School. Reaction is a matter of being at the right place at the right time. Prevention eliminates root causes. Which would you choose?

The chance exists now to have a system that engages and challenges the American public to do better. A President who is aware of the nature of how organisms behave can make the system work to everyone’s favor, not just one or the other political party. Much like the teacher who introduces a new unit plan, the President can set a tone for what we are about to learn and experience. He can challenge, respond and engage the public like students in a classroom. Given a buy-in to making something out of America, people may respond differently, by getting off their couches and taking action.  If all we are asked to do is watch the terror level, watch out for suspicious people and continue shopping, do we really have a buy in to the American agenda? 

Thinking experimentally for the moment, why not bring the public up to speed on how the economy, government and military operate, encouraging them to learn and participate. Broad national challenges could include regional competitions for solutions to national problems, public forums where leaders of various think tanks present ideas. A President who embraces, rather than fears complexity, could encourage old world lines and divisions to fall so that academics, leaders of business and community representatives could meet. Knowing that “rural isolation,” equates to slow progress, inspire red state citizens to form coops on various issues. Remembering how allowing German scientists into the country before and during WWII led to major advancements that eventually helped us win the war, re-open the gates to academics, scientists, entrepreneurs and artists who would like to help in forming a new America.

Make the press conference a great, interactive environment once again for the Presidency. Televise national student competitions in math, science or social studies. Require that a certain amount of television time be used for summit meetings, and while we’re at it, why not create a reality TV show based on “Joe Citizen” running for public office or that follows politicians or lobbyists around. Imagine for a moment if C-Span had a popular show. What?

Who ever said the Congress had to be the only place where ideas are put into action? Construct a national “feedback loop” by bringing more people into the decision-making arena. Do this by advocating for more national conferences of mayors, or national representatives meeting with local politicians. Form diverse groups so that a farmer can meet with a truck driver, a physicist, an artist and entrepreneur, a CEO and union leader. The brainpower, imagination of potential for productivity in such a group could be tremendous. But, at the top, we need a President who inspires such collective action.

A complex adaptive system of government and a President aware of such a phenomenon could prove to be more of a working organism, producing adaptable, self-motivated citizens who are capable of great progress. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

New HikeStorming Info-graphic Explains the Concept

HikeStorming infographic by graphic artist Lisa FitzPatrick. @fizlisa 

Like us on FaceBook... but only if you want to. It's the subtle approach, and that's how we like it!

Join us for CoWorking Day. It's about productivity, creativity, collaborating and fitness!

Volunteer meeting on Thursday! Yes... we need your help, skills and creativity! 

Follow us at: @lee_chazen and for off the wall commentary at @zoidge 

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Take the HikeStorming Challenge and Test Your Creativity!

Choose one of the following questions below.Think on it while hiking or doing another physical activity (walking, running, working out, etc.) Then, come back and impress the world with your ideas, revolutionary thoughts and / or breakthrough comedic twists.

Then, let’s see how this develops over time. Will your ideas resonate? Will they merge with others? Don’t you think it’s time a good idea went viral? Try it out. 

Don't forget to reference the question number in your answer and to post your answers here: HikeStorming Facebook Page

  1. If 3D printers start making other 3D printers, we’re all doomed. Is that scenario the beginning of the end or something good?
  2. If it’s true that music is the universal language, why aren’t we using it as such, for example in communications between international teams of  designers and engineers?
  3. They turned cheese into Cheese Whiz. What other food could they turn into “whiz” or “whiz-type” matter?
  4. Can the Quadratic Equation or any other common algebraic or geometric formula be replaced? How and why?
  5. Kirk or Pacard? Why?
  6. When you first learned to “solve for x” did your algebra teacher actually tell you what x meant? If not, why?
  7. If a hypochondriac is someone who is worried that they might be sick, what   do they call someone who is worried that they might be a hypochondriac?
  8. What two things have never been combined, but should be in order to form a new product or idea?
  9. In the Internet of things, if everything talks to everything else, could you be left out of the conversation?
  10. Can we crowd source emergencies, like finding missing planes? Should we?
  11. If you could do one thing right now that might alter the course of history, what would it be?
  12. How would you re-invent the shoe with unlimited resources and technology?
  13. If someone asks you what time it is, but fails to tell you when, should you assume it is from the moment they started asking?
  14. Using non-equilibrium thermodynamics as your guide, re-design how companies are set up to do business? Think bio-sphere and weather patterns.
  15. Is the English alphabet ready for disruption, i.e. is it sufficient as is, or could it be replaced?
  16. If you were to point out only one crucial thing that differentiates an iPhone from an Android phone, what would it be?
  17. Why didn’t velcro catch on? Was it the sound?
  18. If there is more “space” than solid objects, then why do we seemingly spend more time studying visible things rather than the space that connects them? 
  19. Can two contradictory things be true at the same time? If yes, what's an example?
  20. In the age of the Internet is basic memorization of content important? Why or why not?
Please post answers here: HikeStorming Facebook Page

You can also find questions here: @zoidge @Lee_Chazen

For more information on HikeStorming, please visit: Our Meetup Page

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ideas for Improving Team and Personal Creativity Through Musical Improv by Feixing Tuang

This note came in from a fellow #HikeStormer, Feixing Tuang. We started corresponding soon after a Stanford Laptop Orchestra event and the ideas have taken on a life of their own. Her lesson or design seemed so unique and inspiring that I decided to share it both here and on the HikeStorming Facebook Page

The YouTube video above shows Feixing performing a piece for her mother. She also performs regularly at Kaiser hospital and is working on plans to create more therapeutic or healing types of music.

Hello Lee,

An idea came to my mind...I would love to share with you and see if you are interested in experimenting this in our Music sessions. 

I did some Sound IMPROV with my team at Cisco. This was my writeup of what we did:

"Stand in a circle. To warm up, someone in the circle starts saying gibberish to the next person. Feel free to act along while delivering the sounds to the next person.

The patterns continues around one circle.

Next, everyone takes 20 seconds to imagine the sound of "earth" quietly. At the count of 3, everyone makes the sound that they had in mind at the same time.

Next, take another 20 seconds to imagine the sound of "sun" quietly.  At the count of 3, everyone makes the sound of "sun."

The last round of improv is to express the sounds of "Universal love" or "creativity." Start with someone in the circle, pass the sounds to the person next to you."

The similar activity could be used for Music improvisation. We can pick ideas, concepts, and see what comes up in our improvisation.

For example, make the sound of "A person waking up in the morning" or "A person finding his flow."
We could start with a round in a circle, then we can layer our sounds on top of each other's sounds...

I think it will be very fun!!!

We could eventually make it a performance at different non-traditional venues too. What do you think?


Monday, February 02, 2015

Stanford Laptop Orchestra Concert Tonight

Looking forward to tonight's concert, featuring the #Stanford Laptop Orchestra --

works and performances by members of SideLObe: Romain Michon, Madeline Huberth, Hana Shin, Rob Hamilton, Chryssie Nanou, Alex Chechile, Kitty Shi, John Granzow, and Ge Wang.

More here:­

Sign up here:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Silicon Valley Group Combines Hiking with Brainstorming

What is HikeStorming?

The idea started sometime in 2012. There were two groups that were both popular at the time (in Sacramento... where I was living at the time). One was TEDx­, which offered participants the chance to meet other creative entrepreneurial types. We would get together to watch inspiring videos as well as organize local events featuring dynamic, interesting speakers. The other was hiking Meetups, which were attracting hundreds, if not thousands to sign up for daily and weekend hikes in the foothills of the Sierra, Bay Area and beyond.

One provided great ideas and a positive open-minded experience with creative and intelligent people. The other provided scenery, great views, camaraderie, a challenge as well as the opportunity to get in shape and lose weight.

So....why not combine the two?

Simple concept: Hiking + Brainstorming = HikeStorming

There is no doubt that groups of people already go out on hikes, runs or bike rides to work on ideas. But, this would be different — better organized, deliberately divergent, utilizing the latest information on creativity, brainstorming, cross-pollination and an actual curriculum to get people talking, thinking and using constructive targets for what to accomplish on each hike.

We could even plan events for CEOs, visionaries, startups or corporate or organizational departments, whereby facilitators would guide members on a day hike to get people out of “ruts” or to open up new pathways for personal or group discovery. Set this in places like Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Los Angeles or any major urban area, and you have a great recipe for full participation and action!

Limitless Combinations of Activities

  • Basic idea generation, startup discussions, etc.
  • Cross-fit sessions with brainstorming breaks
  • Hiking / beach sessions
  • Camping / hiking with structured facilitation
  • Hikes with different themes, e.g., comedy, philosophy, acting, business strategy, book clubs, music, art, meditation, motivation, emotional intelligence, app development, engineering, writing, etc.

Benefits to Members

  • Improved health, i.e., possible weight loss, endurance, stamina, muscle tone, improved cardio-vascular system, etc.
  • Meeting like-minded, creative, intelligent and fellow health-conscious people
  • Great networking possibilities
  • Promotion of ideas, companies, causes, etc., either on hikes, through social media channels, YouTube, etc.
  • Generating better ideas through cross-pollination and random interaction with people of different professions / occupations
  • Recruiting team members / Co-founders and prospective employees in a stress-free and healthy environment
  • Testing out wearable technology and a possible alternative to typical office work environments

Want to get involved? 

Why sit down at a table, when we could be true to the concept and meet on a trail? Join us next Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Santa Teresa County Park. We’ll hike while working on some ideas and plans. If you want to keep this idea alive, I really need your help. Simply put, I can’t do this alone.

On the table for the planning session:

  • Branching out — finding new Locations
  • Event Organizers and Assistant Organizers
  • Curriculum, i.e. ideas for mixing concepts and getting things accomplished on hikes (see Limitless Combinations of Activities above).
  • Getting things on the calendar

Interested in Gamification or Game-Based Learning?

I’m currently looking for both business partners and software engineers to help in developing a 1.0 mobile app for a popular social studies game. The groundwork has been laid, research done, proof of concept is there and investors have shown interest. Just need a team who can meet once a week to help in building a mock-up version or help in launching a crowd-funding campaign. Check out Global Challenge here.­

Silicon Valley HikeStormers has a sponsor! 

Locally-based Treasury Curve of Palo Alto has offered one free hour of consultation on money management for CFOs and treasurers plus free access to their Cloud Based Money Fund Portal to all members of Silicon Valley HikeStormers.

Speaking of sponsors, if you have any contacts or connections who would like to help us out -- for example, a wearable tech company, sporting good store, sports drinks manufacturer, etc. please let me know. We'd love to have their help and maybe pass on some discounts to the group.

Suggested Reading:

Why we should listen to introverts
The science of hiking
How hiking is helping those with PTSD (Imagine what it can do for you).

That’s all for now. See you on the trails!

Lee Chazen
Founder, Silicon Valley HikeStorming