Friday, April 24, 2020

Episode 3. Shelter in Place: An Audio Journal by Lee Chazen

More thoughts, ideas and stories to give your mind something to do during the global lockdown. On Episode 3, you will get answers to these and other questions... perhaps. 
  • A bathysphere? Really? 
  • Why do we need themes and formats? Some of our brains are more like hyperlinking systems. 
  • What is consilience? 
  • Why do we have to be one type of person? 
  • Can a cello player be an MMA fighter? 
  • Why isn’t there an olympics for people who can think and do athletic things? 
  • What happens when a comedy routine dies. Can you turn jokes into public service announcements? 
  • Why does someone yell “dead ball” at a basketball game?
  • Will I perform with Carrot Top? 
  • Why did the folks in Hollywood tell me to go back to something real? 
  • The interview to work for a U.S. Senator. Is there a question they can ask you that will get you to sabotage the interview? 
  • Do musicians have a secret code for complimenting each other during a performance? 
  • How did an eye dropper ruin the musical career of a french horn player? 
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Special thanks to Dune Thomas. He is a great person to bounce ideas off of, as well as a superb comedic bantering partner. Dune helped with sound engineering and gave me special privileges in the podcast booth, a.k.a. "the bathysphere."

Royalty free music from Fesliyan Studios.
Content and Artwork by Lee Chazen and

Note to audio distributors: Please DO NOT add this audio content to the Youtube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by FesliyanStudios.

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