Monday, November 04, 2019

Let's Take a Time Out And Applaud What it is to be Human

I find it interesting that, instead of focusing on the amazing potential and capacities of humans - that we can think abstractly, that we have meta cognition (ability to be aware of our thinking), that we can evolve our positions, that we can dive deep into topics and unravel layer after layer of information, that we have actually explored outer space - leaving the limits of our own gravitational forces - that we had a human being who created an equation that explained space and time (E= Mc2), we spend countless hours in many of our discussions talking about our limitations and fallabilities. 

No, we're not computers. We're not perfect algorithms. We're not Fermat's Last Theorem. It's not perfectly elegant all of the time. But, is there no curiosity about what might be better or what new construct or thought experiment might take us to a better level of existence? Is there no celebration of what it means to be human? We are, in fact, amazing!


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